Patience is a Virtue

One concept that I’ve had a hard time understanding most of my life, but has come into full fruition at this point in my life, is the concept of patience. Patience is something that we all need individually and collectively, however it is also something that a huge majority of us lack. I, myself, am the type of person who wants what I want when I want it. I have no interest in the “waiting period” but my lack of patients has brought me nowhere but down frustration Avenue.

Life does not work on your schedule. What is required of life is to plant seeds and watch them grow. You do not get pregnant on a Tuesday and give birth on Friday you have to wait nine months patiently and sometimes uncomfortably. When that baby is born it does not come out of your belly walking on it’s 2 feet, first they don’t crawl, then they crawl, and then they learned to walk. I believe that at one point and time in our past lives, we had the ability to manifest things immediately, unfortunately this is not that time. Although sometimes we can create a thought, put it into the universe and watch it return itself to us immediately,for example, when you think of someone and all of a sudden they call you from many of us these type of occasions are few and far between because we are not on the spiritual plane which we need to be on in order for us to create instant manifestation. in the meantime we have to learn to be patience.

Our dreams, desires, wants and needs will come to us in an abundance, however what is required between the time we ask or meditate on what we desire, and the time what we desire actually comes to us, is called patience. The one thing that we can count on to heal wounds or at lease close them is time. Only time can provide you with everything that you need in order to live in peace, happiness and acceptance of yourself. Hand-in-hand time works with patients because time does not speed up or slow down for anyone. It works at its own pace and therefore patience comes and helps us deal with time.

When I consider the concept of patience through this perspective, I come to a place where I release my fustrations and anxiety in exchange for gratitude and strength. Lack of patience is only a negative energy force towards time. I mean really, why get mad at time? It’s only doing its job which includes your growth, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, emotionally etc. I had to learn what the purpose of patience was in order to gain it. What I also learned is that while time takes care of its responsibilities, I was also required the same. My responsibility was and still is to keep planting seeds, keep nurturing and keep growing these seeds until i have no more breath. I choose patience as one of my virtues because I understand that we are here to live an abundance that is right here and available to us. The catch, however, is that you have to put in the work, you plant the seeds you want to see grow, then you respect time by simply becoming patient.
